Saturday, January 21, 2012

"For it is by GRACE you have been saved, through FAITH -- and this is NOT FROM YOURSELVES, it is the GIFT of GOD -- NOT BY WORKS, so that NO ONE CAN BOAST. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared IN ADVANCE for us to do."

This post today is a combination of heart break and praise all at once. It is a mismash of emotions, promises, and glory to God. Please read below the current situation at Willis Mobile Home Park and Morehead City as a whole, and please view it through the Cross-centered lense as the great masterpiece God is working right among us. More updates to come as we push forward.

Due to unsafe conditions, Morehead City required inspections for the trailer parks throughout the city. They have started with Willis MHP and found 16 of the first 26 trailers uninhabitable. Huge deal. This is going to continue throughout every park in the city causing massive reconstruction and homelessness problems.

PAUSE. God is in control of it. He has a purpose. He is breaking this city for a reason. We cannot nor should we even entertain the idea we can physically do anything to prevent this. Please pray we focus on the opportunity to recognize God's supremacy and His plan and praise Him yet again for His mercy and grace on the Cross. This is an utterly impossible task by human hands to fix, and in all fairness, we are not called to fix it. But instead to recognize needs, attempt to meet those needs all for the sole purpose of glorifying God and proclaiming the message of Christ on the Cross. Below is a list of needs and a summarization of what has happened thus far and what to expect, so we can each use the gifts God has given us to serve. We have the opportunity and gift to serve our neighbors! Praise God for that!

1. Prayer walks - we are already pushing teams out to meet the community and simply be there and be friends together and pray together. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

2. Cook outs - every possible Sunday after church we will go over the Willis MHP to fellowship and break bread with our brothers and sisters in need. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

3. Trash Clean Up - teams will go to help clean up trash to make a physical presence known, encouraging those around us that God loves them. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

4. Rebuiding - we are gathering skill sheests and simultaneously working with Family Promise to gather work requests to employ work crews to use physical repairs to show love. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

5. Morehead City Gov't - we are working graciously with the government for solutions that compromise to meet the needs of the citizens and the gov't responsibility to safety, extending that grace to inspectors and gov't workers who are heart broken by this as much as we are. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

6. Community at Large - Morehead City as a whole will see and wonder why in the world we are doing any of this, spending time/money on it, when it seems hopeless. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

7. Homelessness - we must ask ourselves, are we willing to open our own homes to provide food, shelter, and clothing to our neighbors in their time of need? CHRIST IS KNOWN.

8. Giving / Serving - Whether at One Harbor, Morehead City, or friends from all over the United States reading this. Please, if God is tugging on your heart to give in some way shape or form, be it physical labor, donations, materials, tools, or most importantly prayer, answer that call to glorify Him. Visit the church website for ways to get involved and mailing information. CHRIST IS KNOWN.

Please pray we trust and seek God through all this. Praising and glorifying Him as our only goal. Please pray in to the familiar prayer below as we push forward in this opportunity.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change the things I can,
And wisdom to know the difference.

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