Thursday, February 2, 2012

Straight Money

"Who is going to harm you if you are eager to do good? But even if you should suffer for what is right, you are blessed. Do not fear what they fear; do not be frightened. But in your hearts set CHRIST APART AS LORD. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give a reason for the hope you have. But do this with gentleness and respect." 1 Peter 3:13-15

Boom! Right in the face. We could write and blabber on this blog all day, but what it comes down to is what God said through Peter in the verses above (p.s and all throughout the Bible).

The past week or so have been incredible. God has raised up workers to serve here in Morehead and we have had awesome opportunites to love on our neighbors. Not just talk at them, but have a purpose, filled with Christ's love, and build friendships! We got to pick up trash and do some minor repairs at Willis last Saturday, which turned into a great time to play some pick up soccer and meet our neighbors. Then Sunday, the Unworthy Servants got to go out and serve food, play some more soccer, and build more relatinships all afternoon. Legit. Pray that God continues to put us in place not where we come to fix, but for the purpose of love and the Gospel. Pray for continued opportunities to boldly take the message of Christ's love through service and testimony to grace. And that we get better at speaking Spanish!
Playin soccer with the neighborhood kids!
 We also got to serve Miss Debbie some more by fixing her roof and cleaning her yard. It was legit. How awesome is our God that over the course of the past months, we have been able to simply be friends and love on Miss Debbie. Pray that she continues to see how awesome God is and that loving her through service is just a tiny glimpse of Christ's abounding love for her.

Roofin it up!

Totally out of left field, we had a number of friends come out who were not disciples to serve alongside us. It was such a blessed to work alongside our friends and show them that we serve a God of action and love, and that is the only reason we do what we do. Everywhere we look around, God is putting people in places to take action for the Gospel, pray we continue to respond and challenge each other. Please pray for Beka, a local high school student who has been able to spend some time with Liz and the rest of the crew recently. Pray that her heart is softened to the message of the Gospel and she recognizes Christ's standard of love is the only standard that she was created to know, enjoy, and glorify.

Liz and Beka doin it big!

Love you guys. Please pray for strength, wisdom, and humility as we continue to stumble through this thing called discipleship in Morehead City! And please pray for Miss Joan, the director of Family Promise, who has been working tirelessly through Christ's strength to organize and equip teams to meet needs within Willis MHP! She is gettin us into the fight!

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